Cyber Security

information security
The Concept of Information Security and Its Principles

“The term information security can be defined as the way of protecting information systems and the information stored in it from the unauthorized access, use, modification, disclosure, or disruption.” Information security refers to the process of ensuring and maintaining confidentiality, availability, and integrity of data. Confidentiality refers to the protection of information from unauthorized access. […]

Need of Cyber Disaster Planning
Need of Cyber Disaster Planning

Cyber Disaster Planning:- All the sectors of critical infrastructure are connected to the Internet. So, any cyber attack launched via the Internet can cause disaster as all the sectors of critical infrastructure are connected via the Internet. Disaster is an emergency situation; it includes cyber attacks, cyber terrorism, acts of information warfare and natural disasters. In […]

cyber disaster planning
Cyber Disaster Planning and Guidelines for (CDP)

Cyber Disaster Planning (CDP):- Attacks on cyberinfrastructure are known as cyber disasters. The cyberinfrastructure includes electronic information and communications system, and the information contained in those systems. Critical infrastructure is the main target of cyber terrorists. Cyber Disaster Planning All the sectors of critical infrastructure are connected to the Internet. So, any cyber attack launched […]

Information Society
Information Society Concept & Characteristics

Information society refers to a society in which the creation, distribution, and manipulation of information have become the most significant economic and cultural activity. It is a society characterized by rapid growth in the use of information- a society in which quality of life and economic development depends largely on information and its exploitation, the […]