The All India Muslim League was founded in Dhaka in British India which is now a part of Bangladesh. The few important members of the Muslim League were Khwaja Nazimuddin, Aga Khan, Muhammad Ali Bogra, A. K. Fazlul Huq etc.
background of all India Muslim league
Indian National Congress was doing well and since it was cooperating with the British Government so it succeeded in achieving many major changes in the structure of the Government and its policies.
Although Congress succeeded in many ways, it failed in gaining the trust of Indian Muslims. The Indian Muslims believed that the Congress was a Hindu-oriented group and cannot work for Muslim communities as well. It led to the idea of forming a new political group separate from Indian Muslims.
reason for all India Muslim league
The British Government applied the policy of ‘Divide and Rule’ on Hindus and Muslims with the partition of Bengal. It created a major difference between the two important communities of British India and led the way to clear a Muslim Political Group.
the few reasons behind creating the all india muslim league were-
- The Muslim Leaders assumed that the Congress Party was a completely Hindu Party and there was no place for Muslims of India in it. There was a majority if Hindus in the party and also out of the 72 delegates who had attended the first session of the Indian National Congress only 2 delegates were Muslims of India. It created a strong discontentment among the Indian Muslims.
- Although the Education System in British India was gradually improving, it was not completely available to the Muslims. They needed a political party that could raise this problem and could do something in the favour of it.
- They believed that Hindu and Muslim are two different communities and Muslim is also as important as Hindu. They have different customs and traditions and also different needs. They needed a separate party for themselves.
- Since The British Government had established its empire in India by dethroning the Mughal rulers so they believed that the Muslim Community of India can create someday a major problem for the British Government. This is why the British Government had always suppressed the Muslims of India
objectives of all india muslim league
Few of its objectives were-
- Muslims were suffering from discrimination and the first objective of the League was to prevent any kind of hostility rising in their minds against the other communities of India.
- To put forward the problems and needs of Muslim Communities to the British Government and fulfil them.
- Through the All India Muslim League, the Muslims of India wanted to prove their loyalty and cooperation to the British Government.
- All India Muslim League aimed at providing Muslims with their rights and also ensuring them the right to education like others and places in administration as well.
morley-minto reforms:
The Morley-Minto Reforms also known as the Indian Councils Act 1909 was a big step toward providing Indian Muslims with a separate identity. This idea created a major difference between Hindus and Muslims in India.
call for pakistan:
Muhammad Iqbal was the President of the Muslim League at that time. In one of his addresses, he talked about a separate Muslim state and demanded it. Although his demand was to create a separate Muslim State within the Territory of India.
On his urge, Jinnah returned to India and held the post of President of the Muslim League.
pakistan establishment
In the year 1946, the British Government called an election to constitute the government in the Centre and its Province. In this election, the Muslim League had to face a strong opposition by Indian National Congress.
After the formation of Pakistan, Jinnah became its Governor and Liyaqat Ali Khan was its first Minister.
Thus the whole journey of the All India Muslim League encountered many changes and turning points that we discussed above.